Double Taxation Avoidance Agreement between India and France

(iii) Any other body agreed from time to time between the competent authorities of States Parties; The competent authorities of the States Parties shall, upon request, exchange information (available under the respective tax provisions of the States Parties) necessary for the implementation of this Agreement. The information thus exchanged shall be kept secret and shall not be disclosed to persons other than persons involved in the determination and collection of taxes covered by this Agreement. However, no information may be exchanged that reveals a commercial, commercial, industrial or professional secret or a commercial procedure. 6. An enterprise of one of the Contracting States shall not be considered to be an enterprise having a permanent establishment in the other Contracting State merely because it carries on business in that other Contracting State through a broker, commissioner general or other representative exercising an independent function, provided that such persons act in the ordinary course of their business. However, where the activities of such an agent are carried on wholly or almost exclusively on behalf of that undertaking, that agent shall not be deemed to have an independent representative within the meaning of this paragraph if it is established that the transactions between the agent and the undertaking were not carried out under market conditions. India has signed double tax evasion (DTA) agreements with the majority of countries and limited agreements with eight countries. The treaties provide for the income that would be taxable in each of the Contracting States, according to the agreement of the nations and the conditions of taxation and exemption. India has concluded eight limited double taxation relief agreements with the following countries with respect to the income of airlines and commercial shipping companies: In the event that the country in which the person resides has not signed a DTA agreement with India, Section 91 of the Income Tax Act will be used to alleviate double taxation. For example, India offers double taxation relief to avoid both types of taxpayers. By entering into double taxation treaties, by paying taxes in the country of residence, a person can be exempted from paying tax in the country where he is located. In some cases, a country where the profit is made may deduct the withholding tax (also known as the withholding tax), and the taxpayer would receive the foreign tax credit in the country of residence to reflect that the tax has already been paid.

The methodology for avoiding double taxation varies from country to country. Therefore, it is preferable to refer to the double taxation convention between the countries concerned in order to know the exact procedures. A company is considered a resident of India if it is registered in India or if its activities are wholly conducted and controlled in India. (cc) The use of mere storage facilities or the maintenance of a permanent establishment solely for the purpose of goods or merchandise and not for the processing of such goods or goods in the country of purchase does not constitute a permanent establishment. .