Is a Certificate of Conformity a Legal Document

If a product is imported into the EU/EEA from a third country, the importer must ensure that the product complies with all legal requirements regarding product safety. In addition, the importer is also responsible for verifying that the technical documentation is properly compiled and available. A GCC must “accompany” the product in question or the delivery of the products covered by the certificate. If you are a manufacturer or importer, you must “make available the GCC” to your distributors or retailers. What should a certificate of conformity contain? Contact information for the person who keeps records of test results: Provide the name, full mailing address, email address and telephone number of the person who keeps test records in support of certification. A GCC or General Certificate of Conformity is required by manufacturers and importers of certain general purpose products who certify that their product has been tested and complies with all applicable consumer safety rules, standards and regulations. . Certification is based on product test results. There are the following types of declarations of conformity: in accordance with the requirements of technical regulations, the declaration of conformity is issued by the manufacturer or his authorised representative or by the supplier responsible for placing the products on the market in Ukraine.

At the same time, the manufacturer or his authorized representative or supplier must be located in Ukraine and assume full responsibility for the compliance of the products with the requirements of the relevant Ukrainian technical regulations. Conformity testing includes verification of the conformity of goods according to national standards or an international equivalent. . Once all the tests have been carried out, a certificate of conformity (CoC) is issued. A buyer usually asks for a CoC for critical or high-risk products/components. And in some cases, certain documents are required for certification or to show the end user/customer that the product is safe. Particular mention should be made of the additional information provided by the Machinery Directive. The declaration of conformity must contain the name and address at which the EU authorities can obtain the technical documentation of the product, and it must be an address in the EU.

Manufacturers outside europe may find our DocEUpoint service useful to meet this requirement. In July 2021, a new Regulation on market surveillance and product conformity (EU) 2019/1020) will apply to most other products bearing the CE marking and will change the obligations of individual economic operators to reside in the Community. Therefore, our DocEUpoint services will be expanded to reflect these changes. Yes. It is a violation of the CPHA not to present a GCC, to issue a false certificate of compliance under certain conditions, and not to comply with section 14 of the CPHA. A violation of the CPHA could result in civil and possibly criminal penalties and forfeiture of property. Do you have any questions or experiences about certificates of conformity? Please tell me by leaving a comment. Distributors do not have to create the DoC, but check whether the manufacturer or importer has taken all the legally required measures. However, if a distributor decides to rename or modify a product, he must assume responsibility for the manufacturer. Therefore, prepare and sign a declaration of conformity. The EU Declaration of Conformity (DoC) is a legal document in which a manufacturer officially declares the conformity of a product with the essential health, safety and environmental requirements of the relevant Directives.

With the preparation and subsequent signature of the EU declaration of conformity, the manufacturer assumes full responsibility for the EC conformity of the product. The DoC is only created after the technical documentation (also known as the technical file) has been created. Some customers have asked us over the years “what is a certificate of conformity”, and we have written this article to answer this question. In accordance with the Law on Technical Regulations and Conformity Assessment of 15. As of January 2015, the certificate of conformity is not the only document of conformity. These documents shall also include declarations of conformity, test protocols, reports, expert opinions, certificates and any other document attesting that the requirements specified for the purpose of the conformity assessment have been met. Notwithstanding the fact that the law provides for an inexhaustible list of conformity documents, only certificates of conformity and declarations of conformity can be used for customs clearance. For example, the competent customs authorities may only request documents enabling the conformity of the products directly referred to in the act in question to be verified, namely certificates of conformity and declarations of conformity. The declaration of conformity is a legal document that must be completed for all CE marked products sold in the European Union, with a few exceptions. The declaration of conformity document must contain the following: The list of non-child products (general use) for which a certificate is required can be found here. Manufacturers or importers are required by law to issue a GCC that accompanies each product or delivery of products; that the GCC countries be made available to retailers and distributors; and that the GCC is made available to the CPSC upon request.

As a result, you do not have to provide the certificate to consumers in direct sale to consumers The declaration of conformity is a legal document signed by the manufacturer or authorized representative to indicate that the product meets all the requirements of the applicable European directives and regulations. Thus, both the certificate of conformity and the declaration of conformity to technical regulations have the same legal effect in terms of confirming the quality and safety of products. It is only necessary to comply with the applicable legal and regulatory requirements regarding the quality and safety of the products, as well as their control methods. A Code of Conduct (CoC) is a set of standards that govern business and business practices according to ethical and legal standards. By implementing a CoC, a company demonstrates its commitment to managing its activities according to the highest ethical standards and exceeding the minimum legal requirements. If your company would like to publish press releases or management articles, please contact Yes. The law states that each shipment must be “accompanied” by the required certificate. The requirement applies to imports and domestically manufactured products. According to CPSC regulations, an electronic certificate is “accompanied” to a shipment if the certificate is identified by a unique identifier and is accessible through a world wide web URL or other electronic means, provided that the URL or other electronic means and the unique identifier are created in advance and are available with the submission.

Therefore, before putting the equipment into service, it is necessary to check whether it is on the list of high-risk equipment or whether there is a relevant technical regulation for such equipment. After that, you can apply for the appropriate permits. At present, the application for a declaration of conformity or a certificate of conformity and, if applicable, a permit to carry out high-risk work does not require much effort […].