Mexico Social Security Number Format

All Icelanders as well as foreign citizens residing in Iceland and companies and institutions have an Icelandic identification number (“kennitala”) which identifies them in the national register. The number consists of 10 digits, the first six of which are the date of birth of the person or the date of incorporation of the company in DDMMYY format. The next two digits are chosen at random when assigning the identification number, the ninth digit is a check digit and the last digit indicates the person`s century of birth (for example.B. “9” for the period 1900-1999 or “0” for the period 2000-2099). An example would be 120174-3399, the person born on the twelfth day of January 1974. The Icelandic system is similar to that of other Scandinavian and European countries, but the use of the identification number is exceptionally open and extensive in Iceland. Companies and universities use the identification number as a customer or student ID card, and all banking transactions include it. Registers Iceland is the government agency that monitors the system. A database that compares names with numbers is freely accessible (after login) on all Icelandic online banking sites. Because of this openness, the identification number is never used as an authenticator. It should be noted that the completeness of Iceland`s national register eliminates any need for censuses.

[45] For some public services, the collection or storage of public numbers is not allowed, so garda Síochána (Irish police) only benefits from an exception for its own employees or other persons within the meaning of the Immigration Act 2003 – the latter being persons who are not EU nationals. Similarly, the Irish Armed Forces are only allowed to collect and store the number for their own employees. In Malaysia, a 12-digit number (format: YYMMDD-SS-###G, since 1991), known as the National Registration Identity Card Number (NRIC No.), is issued to citizens and permanent residents of a MyKad. Prior to January 1, 2004, a separate Social Security Number (SOCSO) (also the old IC number in the format “S###”, S stands for country of birth or country of origin (alphabet or number), # is a 9-digit serial number) was used for social security matters. In Bangladesh, the national identity card is issued by the National Identity Registration Wing of the Electoral Commission. The National Identity Card or NID Card is a mandatory identity document issued to every Bangladeshi after the age of 18. The NID is a government-issued photo ID, as is the Bangladeshi driver`s license, which is also a biometric ID card embedded in a microchip. The NID is required by Bangladeshi citizens for several essential public services such as the purchase of public services as well as for private services such as opening bank accounts in Bangladesh. Originally, paper-laminated NID cards have been issued since 2006. Then, starting in 2016, paper-based laminated NID cards were replaced with biometric and microchip-integrated Smart NID cards for all adult citizens in Bangladesh.

The smart NID card contains the cardholder`s identification number. The government makes the Smart NID card available to all adult citizens of Bangladesh free of charge. [15] [16] The map shows that a male citizen was born on January 1, 1980; he was the 10th. A man who was registered (assuming the first man registered that day would be assigned the serial number 5000). In general, numbers were assigned that started in the northeast and moved south and west, so people who applied from addresses on the east coast had the lowest digits and those on the west coast had the highest numbers. Because the zones assigned to a location were depleted, new zones were assigned from the pool, so some states had unrelated groups of numbers. The number uses ten digits, YYYY-NNGC. The first six are approaching the date of birth in YYYYMMDD format; For people whose date of birth is unknown or those who were born on days when there are no clear numbers left, a date close to the date of birth may be used. The numbers seven to nine (NNG) are used to make the number unique, with the number nine (G) being odd for men and even odd for women. For numbers issued before 1990, the seventh and eighth digits identify the Swedish region of birth with different digits for foreign-born people, but criticism of privacy has led to the abandonment of this system for new numbers.

The tenth digit (C) is created using the Luhn checksum algorithm or mod 10. This is another article in our series on how to understand and interpret identification numbers in global surveys. Today we focus on the Mexican National Identification Number (Clave Única de Registro de Población). See our previous article on the unique Number of Senior Citizen (JMBG) in the Balkans here. A national identification number has been strongly rejected by the New Zealand public in the past. Small population means that a name and date of birth can usually uniquely identify someone, although identity theft is possible if two people share a name and date of birth. In New Zealand, a number of different identifiers are used for specific purposes instead: Recently (as of May 2015) there are plans to issue opaque codes instead, keeping the same global format and checksum, but containing no personal information. [needs to be updated] Since then, social security numbers have become de facto national identification numbers. [2] Although some people are not assigned a Social Security number, it is becoming increasingly difficult to engage in legitimate financial activities such as applying for a loan or bank account without such an amount. [19] While the government cannot require a person to disclose their Social Security number without a legal basis, businesses can refuse to provide services to a person who does not provide a Social Security number. [20] [21] The card on which a social security number is issued is still not suitable for primary identification because it does not contain a photo, physical description or date of birth […].