Collective Bargaining Agreement Usf

Collective bargaining is very difficult in Florida. Employees cannot strike. If the parties fail to reach an agreement, either party may declare an impasse. A neutral third party is appointed to listen to each party`s positions and then make a recommendation that does not need to be accepted by either party. If the university is not mutually accepted, it may enforce its terms, which may not coincide with its latest proposal for collective bargaining. The parties are only required to negotiate in good faith. Our wish is not only to inform all faculties of their rights under the CBA, but also to inform all faculties of the value of a member of the UFF. Our CBA is the result of years of dedicated UFF negotiating teams that value protecting our rights. It is a legally binding agreement that must be respected by all parties. Your union`s collective bargaining team (made up of employees of the unit who are members of the UFF) negotiates the contract with the USF administration and the board of directors. It is important to emphasize that since this is a mutual agreement, the leaders of the UFF and the USF must accept the wording of the proposed contract, after which it will be put to a vote by all employees of the unit, not just members of the union, and the BOT. Index of New and Proposed USF Regulations and Guidelines 2019 Florida Statute 1012,945 Required Number of Teaching Hours for Faculty Members The Collective Agreement (CBA) exists between the UFF and USF Weingarten Rights guarantee your right by law to union representation in a session if, at any time, the discussion becomes disciplinary in nature or if you believe the discussion affects your working conditions.

You have the right to invoke this right by a judgment of the Supreme Court at any time during the session. According to the law, the assembly must be terminated until union representation is guaranteed. If you find yourself in this situation, please contact the UFF-USF President of Complaints, Karin Braunsberger at It is the choice of a faculty member or librarian whether or not to join the UFF. This decision not to join means that the person is denying the right to support representatives trained in UFF complaints, the union considers it important that all faculty members and librarians are informed of this policy. Non-members are not eligible for the $1 million insurance policy, which covers liability for work-related lawsuits or claims against a faculty member. This has always been another important protection that has been automatically offered to UFF members and paid for by their dues. “If this discussion could in any way result in disciplinary action or dismissal or affect my personal working conditions, I respectfully request that my union representative, office or steward be present at this meeting. Without union representation, I choose not to answer any questions. The Memorandom of Understanding (MOU) is located between the USF Board of Directors and the UFF You can print and bring the following to each session:.
