To Abide by an Agreement Meaning
The word that creates engagement is not true, really; It`s a will – you agree that it`s something you`ll do, otherwise you`ll be violating the contract. Whether this involves acting or enforcing anything would be set forth in the Terms of Use. The questions you ask have nothing to do with the meaning of the word “stay.” As @phenry has already said, the clause you quote simply obliges you to comply with the Terms of Use (T&Cs) of the company in question. It is the wording of (a) the rest of the agreement containing this clause and (b) the Terms of Use that determines your obligations with respect to violations or enforcement of both the Agreement itself and the Terms of Use. If you are concerned about this, you should consult a lawyer. Stick only to “match” means. By accepting the Agreement, you agree to abide by the terms of the Agreement. (The word shares a root with other words such as bid — as in “make one`s commandments” — and prohibit.) .